• Rupert House is academically inspiring

  • Rupert House is co-educational

  • Rupert House is at the heart of Henley

  • Rupert House is active

  • Rupert House is for life

Nursery Application

* Required

Children may enter Nursery the autumn term after their third birthday. Children enter Reception from the Nursery class in the September following their fourth birthday. Children may also join the school at this point, although priority in the allocation of places is given to children who are already attending Rupert House.

Please tick in the table below your preferences for your child's attendance in their first term.


Changes may be made to your choice of sessions at a later date if you should wish. The expectation is that the attendance of each child in Nursery will build up to a minimum of 3 full days per week by the summer term prior to starting Reception in September.

Is English your child's first language?*
Who has parental responsibility for the child?*
Who has legal contact with the child?*
Are parents jointly responsible for your child's education?*