Ian Wason

I was a pupil at Rupert House from 1981 to 1984. My daughters now attend the school and I have been a Rupert House parent since 2021.
My most vivid memory of Rupert House is on my first day when I followed my elder sister out of the front entrance, where we had to say goodbye to the Head Mistress, Mrs Campbell Murdoch. Girls had to curtsey and boys had to shake her hand – I did not know this as it was my first day, so when seeing my sister curtsey, I just copied her, and curtseyed as well (it has gone down in family folklore).
From Rupert House I went to St.Pirans (in those days all boys and mostly boarding), then Rugby, Bristol Uni (BSc Economics), Deloittes (ACA), then left for Cape town for 15 years; 1 year doing voluntary work in the townships, then 14 years setting up a social enterprise helping improve financial literacy and get individuals out of debt. I returned to the UK to live in Kensington, was a Councillor for 4 years and then moved back to Henley. Now I sit on various corporate and charitable boards.