Daphne Robertson (née Bradley)
I was born in late 1930and first attended Rupert House in 1935 aged 4, when it was called 'St Joans'. I left 8 years later to go to St Helen's, Abingdon (I was, to my surprise, head girl of each).
On leaving St Helen's I went to London to read Maths, then a short spell in the Aircraft Industry, working on the strength of wings.
Thereafter, my life became domestic, and we always lived too far from Henley for our children to attend Rupert House, but the two girls went to St Helens as boarders.
My memories of RH are a little blurred with time. When I was at the school there were only 20 pupils. I do remember that the current Head Teacher's office used to be the Headmistress' bedroom and she had a dog that she kept in school!