Autumn Photography Competition Winners
During October half-term, Rupert House pupils captured the wonderful new season with some fantastic photographs for the school’s nature photograph competition. The children were invited to photograph nature whilst out on their family walks in and around Henley and we got a number of fantastic entries from across the school.
Thank you and well done to everyone that submitted a photograph. The entries were judged by Mrs Poulter who found it very difficult to pick the winners.
Congratulations to our two winners and four runners-up who took some fantastic shots, capturing Autumn in nature so beautifully. They will receive certificates in next week's whole school assembly.
The winners are:
In the Pre-Prep ‘Sunlight’ by Rafe C
This photograph shows the season at its best with muted colours and gentle rays of sunlight peeping through; a perfect place to rest and reflect.
In the Prep ‘Green Tree’ by Annabel S
The perspective chosen for this photograph is very successful. The colours are bright and eye-catching. On close inspection, there is the promise of seasons changing with a few golden leaves.
The runners up are:
In Pre-Prep
‘Ducks’ by George W
These are birds with attitude! Captured beautifully, we would like to see what might happen next. This photo makes us wonder what they would say if they could talk!
‘Leaf’ by Jack W
Nature displays dazzling complimentary colours. This crimson leaf stands out beautifully next to the vibrant green grass, a wonderful composition.
In Prep:
‘Toadstool' by Piper S
The focus on this photograph sits perfectly on the vibrant red of the top of the toadstool. The green, brown, red and yellow colours encompass the feeling of Autumn in one stunning shot.
‘Pumpkins’ by Daisy W
Shot at an interesting angle, this photograph shows us an iconic view of autumn with pumpkins looking as if they are waiting for the wheelbarrow to take them to their new home.