Year 6 Gloucestershire sports tour

On Monday, 20th May, Year 6 went on a Sports Tour to the Wishford Schools in Gloucestershire.

They spent the morning exploring the grounds of Westonbirt before having a Lacrosse masterclass with Cricklade Manor. This was followed by a mixed Rounders tournament and a delicious BBQ.

Well done to Isaac H and Emilia M for being part of the winning team at the rounders.

Year 6 ended the evening with a play in the pool and a campfire to make s’mores which they loved! Then they headed to bed in the new boarding house at Westonbirt.

Tuesday started bright and early with a delicious, cooked breakfast before Year 6 headed over to Cricklade Manor for a cricket match. Both teams played exceptionally well with many bowling wicket balls and getting lots of runs! Unfortunately, Cricklade took the win in both matches but only by a few runs.

Players of the match: Zachary F, Matilda G and Emilia M

After a lovely lasagne lunch at Cricklade, Year 6 made their way to Hatherop Castle Prep School for a mixed football tournament, which was a great way to end the trip!

Well done to Jemima J, Teklė C, Matilda G and Harper S for being part of the winning team at the football.

Thank you to everyone at Westonbirt, Cricklade and Hatherop Castle Prep for a wonderful couple of days!