Act of Remembrance

It was lovely to see so many parents at the Remembrance Service this morning, which was a very moving occasion and many thanks to those who were able to join us.

As has become tradition, we were joined by Father Jeremy, who led the prayers and local historian, Mike Willoughby, who represented those local residents who gave their lives in the First and Second World Wars. Mr Lamb played The Last Post to mark the two-minute silence and Ottilie and Isaac joined him to play 'Abide with me'. Zach, Tekle, Bella and Lucas in Year 6 spoke and recited poetry, where they were also joined by Mrs Fletcher and the Junior and Chamber choirs sang as the wreaths were processed up to the Urn, where they were laid.

I was most impressed by the behaviour of the children who, following the assembly on Monday, now have an enhanced understanding of the role that the military play in today’s world.