Uniform donations

Thank you so much to everyone who has donated old school uniform to the Friends of Rupert House. Mrs Eccles has kindly been arranging for these items to be transported to the Songa Mbele na Masomo Children's Centre in Nairobe, Kenya.

Songa Mbele na Masomo Children's Centre serves children from the Mukuru Slum living with disabilities as well as vulnerable children who have never attended school or have been excluded from school due to poverty.

The Centre is the only one of its kind in Mukuru and comprises two sections: 1) Special Unit for the children with disabilities and 2) Coaching Unit for children who have never been to school or who dropped out of school for one reason or another.  The Centre’s goal is to promote positive mindsets and attitudes towards children living with disabilities, and create a second chance for those children who dropped out of school or delayed joining school.   The childrens’ activities include daily care, feeding, therapy and learning at the different levels of capability.

You can read more about the centre here: Songa Mbele na Masomo Children’s’ Centre – Mukuru Promotion Centre (mercymukuru.co.ke)

Four suitcases full of uniform have been delivered so far. It's wonderful to see the children using the items and really benefitting from having them.

We'll think you'll agree that they all look very smart!

Please do keep the donations coming. You can drop them into the school office at any time.
