Year 4 PGL

Year 4 had an amazing time at PGL last week!

On arrival, we were welcomed to our super accommodation and much excitement was had organising our rooms. Our first activity was climbing. Wow, what courageous and agile children we have in Year 4!  Many braved the top of the wall and mastered the more difficult art of coming back down. Afterwards, whilst one group enjoyed the problem-solving, the other group went on the sensory trail. In both activities we had to work as a team and listen to each other.  The wacky races in the evening were hilarious, with the chicken race being the highlight which left all the teachers crying with laughter.  Hot chocolate before bed rounded off a busy first day.

After a late night and early morning we were ready for the second day. The giant swing took our breath (and stomachs) away! We tackled the low ropes course with confidence and our survival skills of making dens and lighting fires were tested. We all took to out bows and arrows to try to hit the gold in the target.  In the evening we tried our hardest to protect our water balloons from a fall (only to be broken by a deadly finger nail!).  Bedtime came earlier on the second night where the glorious sunshine and warm sea breezes had worn us all out.

On our final morning we launched ourselves down the zip wire, many screaming as we went. With spectacular views and more sunshine it was the perfect way to end our first school residential.  There was singing and snoozing on the way home from a fabulous trip. Well done, Year 4!