19th May 2023

This morning we held our second Open Morning of the academic year.

We welcomed a number of new families into school and they were given tours by the Year 6 pupils, who all did a fantastic job and were complemented upon by the visitors. Well done to all the children who looked very smart and behaved impeccably whilst the prospective parents visited classrooms and spoke with teachers.


Mental Health Awareness

The mental health of the entire Rupert House community - children, staff and parents - is of paramount importance and with Mental Health Awareness Week being this week, it was the perfect opportunity to keep this top of our agenda. Following my assembly on the subject on Monday, we incorporated the topic of mental health into the week with a variety of age-appropriate activities lead by the school’s Designated Mental Health Lead, Valerie Sheriff. It was also Walk to School Week which tied in nicely. We were lucky with the weather and it was wonderful to see so many people making the most of it by coming into school on foot, scooter, bike or boat! You can read more about this below.


Amazon House Charity Day

Amazon House Charity Day took place on Tuesday. Everyone wore an orange accessory and either donated £1 or brought in a bag of donations for Helen & Douglas House. Members of the School Council took the donations to the shop on Duke Street and they, together with Mrs Poulter, then dressed the window using the donations. They did a fantastic job! Again, please see the news story with photos below.


Parent lunch

Last year we held a number of informal parent lunches which were a great success, so once again I would like to invite parents to come in at lunchtime to sit with myself, our chef Barry and the children to enjoy the lunch provided by Accent, our in-house catering team. The next date will be 7th June at 12.45pm. If you would like to come along, please let Penny in the office know by 26th May.


It is hard to believe that next week is the last week before Half Term. It is another busy one with Year 3 going on their PGL day trip and Year 5 heading off to Cuffley Camp for their residential. It is also the Year 6 ESB (English Speaking Board) exams on Tuesday so I wish them all the best – my advice to them would be to simply enjoy it as I know they have all worked very hard in preparation.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and good luck to all those doing the Nettlebed Stinger on Sunday – I shall see you there!

Best wishes,

Nick Armitage