6th January 2023

I hope you are all adjusting to the start of the new year. We have been most impressed with the children's enthusiasm to get back to their learning in the first few days following the Christmas break.

In assembly yesterday, it was super to introduce Emily in Year 2 and Othello and Alex in Year 4, and the other children have already been very kind and welcoming to them as they start with us. Charlotte joins us in Nursery and after half term, we look forward to welcoming Bella in Year 3. The Year 6 were given their positions of responsibility and I am sure they will be super role models to the younger children.

I spoke about a collective New Year's Resolution being a focus on good manners, and the children then discussed this in more detail with their form teachers. In the assembly, the children themselves suggested holding the door open for others, not rushing around school, saying please and thank you and having good table manners as being aspects that we should focus on. I agreed with their suggestions and talked about table manners in particular being an aspect for us to target. I challenged the children to try to finish the food on their plates at mealtimes as being one particularly good habit to get into, and it also having the benefit of reducing the amount of food we waste. It would be super if you could continue to emphasise the importance of good manners at home to back this up please.


Illness and Off-Games

There are many different bugs doing the rounds at present, on top of COVID and Scarlet Fever, and so we would ask please that you keep your child at home if they do not seem well. We have been asked to share the Government's latest guidance on this, which can be found HERE.

We are keen that the children take part in Games, PE and Swimming if they are well enough to be in school, and that will be the expectation this term. However, we will be very understanding where the children may need to take part in a lighter way if they are returning from illness. Please do communicate with the games department if your child is recovering from an illness and may need to take part in a reduced capacity. There is a form on My School Portal for you to complete which is sent to them directly. 


One Week - Energy-saving week

As a school, we are taking part in One Week's energy-saving themed week from Monday. Please see more information below and hopefully your children will be keen to find ways of saving energy at home as well!


Parent Forums - 18th & 19th January

We hope that you will be keen to take part in one of the forums we have planned to share information on the school’s current position, our vision for the future and to hear more about what you think Rupert House should include in its development plans. You will hopefully have received a letter in the post before Christmas with more information on these forums and details on how to get involved, but please do click HERE or contact the Office if you would like to take part and have not already registered your interest.


Movie Night - 20th January

The Friends have organised a Movie Night in the Hall at school on Friday 20th January for children in Years 1-6. Tickets are now on sale and hopefully your children will be looking forward to seeing Sing 2 on the big screen!


Meet the Head Coffee Morning - Thursday 26th January

We welcome the Head of St Helen & St Katharine, Rebecca Dougall, to Rupert House for the next in our series of Meet the Head Coffee mornings at 8.30am on Thursday 26th January. Please RSVP to the Office if you would like to join us for this event in The Studio and parents of children in any year group are very welcome to join us. 


Open Morning - Friday 3rd February

We are looking forward to welcoming lots of prospective parents to Rupert House for our Open Morning on 3rd February. Please do spread the word to any of your friends who may be interested in attending. 


And Finally...

Swimming and Clubs start next week so please make sure your children have the kit they need in order to take part. 

Best wishes,

Nick Armitage