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Year 6 make £5 grow into over £600

For the second year in a row, our Year 6 pupils created their own businesses as part of the ‘Make £5 Grow’ project.

This initiative sees the children being given a ‘loan’ of £5 and then designing, buying and making resources for their businesses. Ideas ranged from edible items like rice crispie cakes and popcorn to homemade stress balls and painted rocks, and some children had designed games for the younger children to play!

On Thursday 13th June the children held a fair, which all children in the school were invited to. The school turned into a bustling marketplace and the Year 6 children were delighted with the buzz their businesses created. After an hour of sales, the children began the arduous task of cleaning up the mess, which was perhaps the least enjoyable part of the fair!

Once we had returned to the classroom, we counted our funds and were delighted to find we had made £699.49!

The children then began the tricky task of working out what to do with the money, which in the past has included a school trip, books for the school and donations to charity.

Make 5 Grow