• Rupert House is academically inspiring

  • Rupert House is co-educational

  • Rupert House is at the heart of Henley

  • Rupert House is active

  • Rupert House is for life

Sports Day success

Sports Day 2024 was a resounding success, filled with spirited competition and camaraderie!

The pupils showcased their athletic skills across various disciplines, cheered on by enthusiastic friends and family, culminating in a day of memorable achievements and unifying school spirit.

We may have experienced true British Summer weather, with four seasons appearing in one morning, but we were very lucky to have mostly dry skies throughout. 

Congratulations to Sahara, captained by Polly S in Year 6, for winning the cup this year!

Thank you to all those who came along to watch and well done to those who took part in the parents' races! Also, a huge thank you to the parents who organised the cake sale which raised a fantastic £400 for the Chiltern Centre.