• Rupert House is academically inspiring

  • Rupert House is co-educational

  • Rupert House is at the heart of Henley

  • Rupert House is active

  • Rupert House is for life

Happy Hub

In the Happy Hub this week, the Year 3 and 4 boys were encouraged to discuss what makes a good team.

This week in the Happy Hub, a group of Year 3 and 4 children were invited to discover more about themselves and to reflect on their strengths.

The children were encouraged to imagine and draw themselves as a plant. First they drew the roots (i.e. what is important to them), then they drew the plant which represented the things they are good at and the things they like.

Finally, they drew what helps the plant to grow and therefore what helps them to develop. The children shared some of their “roots” including family, places where they grew up, friends and pets.

They talked about their plant (their strengths) including maths, cooking, art, sport and being kind. The children realised that they are good at so many things!

They finished the session by sharing what helps them to grow their plant. This included love, encouragement, supportive teachers, friends and family. The children looked at each other’s plants and accepted that we're all different and that’s okay.

Happy Hub