Football focussed
On Friday, Rupert House hosted a Year 3 round-robin football tournament, with Thorngrove Prep and St Joseph's joining us on the school playing fields.
Both Rupert House U8 teams played excellently with great sportsmanship between all the players.
The Hawks won their first game against Thorngrove, with a score of 1–0. In their second match against St. Joseph’s, despite much determination, they lost 1–2.
The Eagle’s faced Thorngrove first and played with much resilience, despite eventually losing 0–1. They had a successful second match against St. Joseph’s, winning 3–0.
There was a delicious match tea to finish and the boys thoroughly enjoyed themselves!
"It was so much fun! We were great but the others too. My favourite goal was when George did a perfect kick. He was about 2 metres away from the halfway line closer to the goal. I think my favourite part was when we won 5-0, but it was the other Rupert House team." Jasper
"I had the best time! I loved playing in the Rupert House team and scoring goals. Afterwards I was allowed a cup of tea and treats in the pavilion." Rafe
"We RH parents couldn’t have loved the match more - what a perfect end of the week seeing our boys at their happiest. There was such camaraderie between them, and they cheered each other on and complemented each other on their ‘amazing’ goals but also clapped their opponents (who were fantastic btw!) in respect at the end of the match. We saw highly concentrated faces, the biggest smiles, hugs and were treated to some goal scoring poses, imitating their big heroes. It was so wonderful to witness the boys being encouraged by the RH teaching staff. Mr McArthur and Ms Nicholson motivated the children on the pitch and made sure the match ran smoothly while Mr Whitfield was there for them on the sideline, showing the boys so much kindness and ensuring everyone felt part of the great team. Barry treated us to delicious flapjacks and coffee which was so appreciated. Well done Rupert House, what a success." Rupert House Parent