7th March 2025

All year groups have been involved in a number of exciting and varied activities throughout this week.
Our Year 4 dancers began the week by taking part in a Dance day at Queen Anne’s School on Monday where they had a wonderful time which culminated in a lovely performance to a parent-filled audience. Year 3 went to the Verulamium Museum to discover more about Roman times and Year 5 took a trip to the Ashmolean Museum for various fascinating art history workshops. We also had the Year 4 and 5 Parents evenings, House Music auditions, a ceramics workshop, World Book Day and Henley Youth Festival activities taking place at school. Next week is the Henley Youth Festival and STEAM week so there will be lots more going on for everyone across the school!
World Book Day
Yesterday, Mrs Clough organised a fun-filled day of book related activities for this year’s World Book Day. As always, the school was a sea of colour with the teaching staff all dressed as characters from the Mr Men and Little Miss series and the children came in as the book character of their choice. There were some incredible outfits across the school and many thanks to all the parents for their support of the children! We were also fortunate to have two of our parents who are authors come and inspire various year groups. You can read more about the day and view some photos here.
Henley Youth Festival
Henley Youth Festival officially starts next week, but we have already been lucky enough to benefit from some of the events. On Tuesday, Years 5 and 6 were treated to a visit from the Young Shakespeare Company who performed their version of Hamlet which the children from both Rupert House and Badgemore Primary thoroughly enjoyed. Year 4 then had a dance filled afternoon with Danielle, a professional Flamenco dancer who taught the children about the many different varieties of Flamenco before giving them a lesson, complete with traditional accessories! You can read more about it here.
We also found out today that Rupert House pupils from Years 3 to 6 have won 13 prizes between them for artwork submitted to the Henley Youth Festival Art competition. This is absolutely fantastic news! The winners are listed here.
Wishford Story Writing Competition
On the subject of competition winners, we have also had great success in the recent Wishford Education Story Writing Competition which was judged by a group of senior school pupils at Westonbirt. Five children from Years 2 to 6 at Rupert House came in the top three for their year group from across all ten Wishford Prep Schools which is fantastic, with Ottilie L and Eloise W coming first in their categories. Huge well done to them all! You can read more about this here.
You may have already seen or heard that we’ve had five fluffy new arrivals this week. All five of our ‘Incredible Eggs’ duck eggs have hatched and the children have been excitedly watching them grow, eat and take their first dip in the water! We are due to have them in school until Thursday next week. If you are interested in rehoming five ducklings, please let Mrs Newman know at susie.newman@ruperthouse.co.uk
It was super to welcome Mrs Poulter back to Rupert House this morning when she dropped in to visit the staff and Year 6 children. Everyone was delighted to see her (particularly as she brought donuts) and I am sure you will be pleased to hear that she is recovering well from her operation and is looking forward to returning in the Autumn.
We are looking to fill a couple of roles here at Rupert House. If you or anyone you know may be interested in taking a position as a 1-2-1 classroom support assistant or who may be keen to drive a Rupert House minibus, please point them in the direction of our website where they can find out more details on how to apply: Rupert House School - Job Vacancies
We are also looking for a Gap Student to join us in the summer term and for each of the three terms of the next academic year. Again, if you know of anyone who may be interested, please ask them to get in touch with Mrs Gibson at penny.gibson@ruperthouse.co.uk
Well done to everyone who took part in the Oxfordshire Cross-Country Championships on Saturday, with Henry crowned Year 3 Boys champion! Not to be outdone, the U11 Girls team went to the National Prep Schools Cross Country Championships at Malvern College for the first time and promptly won it! With keen runners representing schools from all over the country, the team of Mima W, Eloise W, Alice V and Teddy M put in an incredible team performance, with Mima and Eloise coming first and second respectively.
Best of luck to all the Little Singers in Years 1 and 2 who are performing at the Woodley Festival tomorrow and to everyone taking part in the Henley Youth Festival Run and the Music Makers event, which we are hosting.
Have a lovely weekend.
Best wishes,
Nick Armitage