31st January 2025

We started this week with an assembly focused on different forms of creativity and the importance of thinking creatively to solve problems.
I interviewed Claudia, whose idea it was to start a petition to have the Marsh Lock bridge repaired, and which now has many thousands of signatures. It was interesting to hear from her the rationale for starting the petition, which was to raise awareness and hopefully ultimately to lead to the work being completed. We wished her the best of luck with her campaign and do hope that it leads to the work being undertaken – well done her!
I had the pleasure of taking Year 6 on their trip to the Trenchard Museum at RAF Halton yesterday. The museum team gave them a hands-on and interactive experience to support and enhance their knowledge of the history of the First World War. The staff there commented on our children’s attentiveness and the higher order questioning and we were told they were a real credit to the school, which was lovely to hear!
Year 1 also went on an exciting trip to Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium this week to support their current topic ‘Up in the Air’. They had a great time exploring the exhibits and participating in an amazing rocket workshop where they learnt all about friction and aerodynamics, before finishing the day with some planet and star gazing in the planetarium. A great day was had by all!
The wonderful New Year Resolutions display has now been completed and it is interesting to read what the children have come up with! Here are some of them: ‘be more artistic’, ‘I need to read more’, ‘make someone smile’, ‘hold the door open for someone’, ‘try and help others more often’, ‘do my round flic tuck back on the track’, ‘do five squats a day’, ‘be more respectful’, ‘be kinder to my siblings’, ‘believe in yourself’, ‘do something you’re not used to’, ‘clean my shoes’. ‘learn to play an instrument’. Well done them!
On Monday, we are very much looking forward to welcoming Nic Sestaret, former professional rugby player and Director of Sport at Westonbirt School, who is coming to coach a rugby session with Year 5 at Henley Rugby Club. There is more information on this below.
I am also looking forward to National Pizza Day on Thursday!
Marathon Sponsorship
One of our parents, Elizabeth Rose, is running the London Marathon this year in aid of Enthuse, a cause very close to her heart. If you would like to sponsor her, please click on this link: https://2025tcslondonmarathon.enthuse.com/pf/elizabeth-rose
I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Best wishes,
Nick Armitage