• Rupert House is academically inspiring

  • Rupert House is co-educational

  • Rupert House is at the heart of Henley

  • Rupert House is active

  • Rupert House is for life

28th June 2024

This week we celebrated our centenary with Maths and a focus on the number 100.

Mr Dwinell coordinated the week, with the class teachers organising a number of engaging activities for the children to undertake across the school from number squares to colours of the rainbow and 100 piece lego towers. You can read more about what they got up to HERE.

We also enjoyed lots of cricket in the beautiful sunshine with Year 4 attending a cricket festival on Tuesday with various other Education Henley schools  and fixtures for all of the Prep children.

Of course, the highlights of the week were the fantastic performances by both the Prep and Pre-Prep children on-stage! The Prep children proved that dedication and hard work pays off with their fantastic production of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at The Kenton Theatre. They performed on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to audiences made up of residents of local care homes, young adults from The Chiltern Centre, the Pre-Prep children and, of course, their families. Well done to all the pupils and to everyone involved in making the show such an all-round success. There will be a recording of the show for you to watch shortly. Photos can be viewed HERE.

The wizards, fairies and ice monsters of Pre-Prep also put on a magical show to their parents on Thursday and Friday this week. They had us all under their magic spell, enchanted by their thought-provoking story celebrating teamwork, democracy and differences. Everyone spoke their lines clearly and confidently and sang and danced with great enthusiasm. Myself and the teachers are very proud of them, as I am sure are their parents.


Cello lessons

Year 1 were treated to a wonderful cello demonstration and workshop with Mrs McMurtrie this morning. They enjoyed listening to her play 'The Swan', then had a go themselves, plucking and bowing the cellos! If your son or daughter would like a free taster lesson with a view to starting cello lessons in the Autumn Term, please email Mrs Light to organise this for September.


Centenary Leavers Party

Last Friday we welcomed around 70 past pupils back to Rupert House for a party to celebrate our centenary. All had left the school between 2018 and 2023 and aged between 13 and 17. It was wonderful to see how excited they all were to be back - reminiscing about their time at Rupert House and catching up with old friends. John Johnny kept them all entertained, and Barry provided them with delicious food from the BBQ. Many thanks to Ms Ovstedal and Mrs Gibson for organising such a lovely event.


Picnic Concert

The Picnic Concert will take place on the 1st July from 4pm (with access from 3.30pm) at the school playing fields. There will be limited parking in the field next door (with a cash donation to charity please), with further parking at Henley Rugby Club and Waitrose. Do remember to bring a picnic and a rug. If you wish to bring chairs to sit on, we will kindly ask you to sit near the back so as not to obstruct the view of those behind you. If the weather does not behave, we will be inside the marquee. Pre-ordered Pavilion picnics will be available for collection on the day. All children are expected to attend as everyone is playing a part in the event and it will be a very special occasion!


Don’t forget to book your ticket to the Centenary Ball which takes place on Saturday 14th September. Tickets can be purchased using this link and a reminder that they can be purchased at the early bird price of £85 until Sunday 7th July.

Best wishes,

Nick Armitage