25th November 2022
There were a few aches and pains in the Staff Room on Monday following the staff Zumba session in aid of Children in Need last Friday, but it was well-worth it for the fun we all had!
Thank you for your incredible generosity in sponsoring us to the tune of £570 and helping us to raise over £1300 as a school which will all go to support charities who make such a positive difference to many children's lives.
Review of the week
Also last Friday were hotly-contested Year 3 Girls' Hockey matches against Lambrook and Boys' Football matches against St Joseph's and Thorngrove. The children all played to a very high standard and it was super to see the enjoyment they had both in playing and in enjoying the delicious match teas afterwards.
This week has again been a busy one, with all manner of events taking place. On Monday, the online safety charity Childnet visited and spoke to all the children in Years 1 to 6 about the ways in which they can stay safe online. This was followed by a staff session on the same topic and then a fascinating talk to the parents in the evening. A version of this talk can be found below, and there are some very useful flyers which you might like to pick up from the Office.
On Tuesday we hosted the Y5 Maths Challenge, to which we invited a number of primary and prep school teams, who attempted to solve some fiendishly difficult problems. On Thursday, Mr White, who is a geologist, gave a fascinating talking talk to the Year 3 children about fossils. This morning, we had the first of the Parent & Staff Choir rehearsals for the carol service, which was very well-attended. There are subsequent rehearsals next Thursday at 4pm, Friday at 7.30am and on Thursday 8th December at 4pm, all in the Studio. We hope to encourage more parents to join and it would be super to have some more fathers join Mr Dwinell and myself on the Tenor or Bass line!
Meet the Head Senior School Coffee Mornings
This morning we hosted Caroline Jordan from Headington (girls) for the second in our series of informal talks by Senior School Heads, which was very well-attended. Next Wednesday at 8.30am is the turn of Michael Windsor from Abingdon (boys), to be followed by Rebecca Dougall in January and a number of other Heads afterwards. Best of luck to the Year 6 girls sitting the Headington assessments tomorrow.
Additional GAP Student for next term
We are looking for an additional female GAP student to join us next term, or before Christmas if they are available. If you know of anyone suitable, please ask them to contact the Office for more information and an application form at the earliest opportunity.
Sports and Clubs Questionnaire
We are very interested to hear your thoughts on our Sports and Clubs provision and would be most grateful if you could please complete the brief questionnaire below over the weekend.
Rupert's Troopers
The Rupert House Staff and Parent sports team 'Rupert's Troopers' have been busy signing up for next year's 10km Tough Mudder event in Henley on 7th May at 10am. There is currently a Black Friday code to get 30% off the entry fee - BF302022 - so now is the perfect time to sign up! If you'd like to join the Rupert's Troopers team, please contact jovstedal@ruperthouse.oxon.sch.uk with your mobile number so that she can add you to the WhatsApp group.
And finally, well done to Matilda Groh, who came second in the Mayor's Christmas Card competition this year, and also to Charlotte Vernon, who was a runner-up, with their delightful designs. The school is now ready for the festive season with the tree having arrived today and having been very tastefully decorated by the Year 6 children and our lovely Christmas window display is now in place, in advance of this evening's Christmas celebrations and late-night shopping in Henley. The Pre-Prep children have been hard at work rehearsing for the various productions, with the Key Stage 1 production leading the way next Friday. Don't forget to book places for you and your children for the Santa Run on Sunday 18th December, which we are again sponsoring (please see below). We had a large turnout there last year and hopefully even more of your children will be keen to take part this time!
A reminder that next week is the last week of clubs, except for homework, breakfast and ballet clubs which will happen in the last week.
I hope you have a restful weekend.
With best wishes,
Nick Armitage