• Rupert House is academically inspiring

  • Rupert House is co-educational

  • Rupert House is at the heart of Henley

  • Rupert House is active

  • Rupert House is for life

24th May 2024

We are sending out the Big Blue Door this week in advance of what promises to be a very busy, exciting day in celebration of the school’s 100th birthday.

Everyone is very excited to have Robbie in school this morning, from a company called Past Productions, who is going to take the children back in time with a whole host of activities themed around Prince Rupert of the Rhine and the 17th Century. It is fantastic to see the children in such imaginative and creative costumes and thank you for the effort you will have put in to support them. Following a BBQ lunch, everyone will head up to the field for the much-anticipated FoRH May Fair. Thank you in advance to everyone who has put so much effort into making this such an enjoyable, memorable day for the children.

Earlier this week the Year 3 children had a wonderful day at PGL Liddington which you can read more about here. We also celebrated National Numeracy Day and I had the pleasure of joining Year 6 on their sports tour to Gloucestershire. The tour was hugely enjoyable for the children and staff alike, meeting their contemporaries in a number of other Wishford Prep Schools, and packing in cricket, football and rounders matches, a taster Lacrosse session, a fun swim, a delicious BBQ, an overnight stay in the beautifully refurbished junior boarding house at Westonbirt and all manner of other memories which were made over the two days!


After half term

We hit the ground running after half term with a busy week for all. Year 5 will have their assessments, we have the whole school photo on the Tuesday morning (please remember blazers and correct summer uniform) and Year 2 are heading off to the Story Museum on the Wednesday. Please note the upcoming important dates at the bottom of this newsletter and on My School Portal.


 International Week

The week following half term is also International Week. If you would like to come into school and share your knowledge or expertise of a country to any of the year groups, it is not too late to let Madame Sheriff know via vsheriff@ruperthouse.oxon.sch.uk. Thank you to everyone who has already volunteered! The children will be learning about various countries throughout the week and we invite them to come into school dressed up in the colours of a country of their choice on Friday 7th June.


Staffing News

I am delighted to share with you the news that Mrs Pettifer will be moving to Year 3 in September to cover Mrs Hobdell's maternity leave. She will also be taking on some of the Outdoor Learning teaching, a real passion of hers, as Mr Dwinell takes on more of the Maths teaching in the older years. 


Music Lessons

Given the importance of the teaching and learning throughout the school and how hard it is for peripatetic staff to timetable their instrumental or singing lessons around a more restricted timetable, after Half Term we are going to move to children being able to come from all on-site lessons. This will allow children to rotate through a wider range of lessons and should have less of an impact on particular ones wherever possible as a result of this greater rotation. It is wonderful that so many of our children learn instruments or sing and many studies have shown the benefits of music to children's academic development. If you are keen for your child to try an instrument, please contact Mrs Light (alight@ruperthouse.oxon.sch.uk) who will be happy to organise a taster lesson.


Parent and Staff Choir for the Picnic Concert

Following the fabulous performance at the Carol Service, Mrs Light is keen for there to be a reunion of the Parent & Staff Choir, to perform a song at the Picnic Concert! If you are interested in joining, please register  your interest with her as soon as possible (alight@ruperthouse.oxon.sch.uk). They will be singing just one number on the afternoon, so are planning two or three rehearsals maximum. Previous and new members welcome, male and female, and no previous experience or ability to read music is necessary. Enthusiasm and a willingness to have fun in front of your children is what we are looking for!


 Stewards' Tickets for Y6 Henley Regatta Trip

As I mentioned last week, if by any chance you have any spare Stewards' Enclosure tickets for Tuesday 2nd July, the Year 6 children would be most grateful for them so that we can take them into the enclosure as part of their Leavers' trip. Seeing the silverware, sitting in the deckchairs and meeting those connected with the school there is a real highlight for them! Please contact the Office if you are able to spare any tickets. Thank you to those who have already done so.


Collection from the May Fair today

All children are to be collected from the Anne Wheeler Gate in the Henley Rugby Club car park at their usual collection time. Any children who have a club after school will be walked back to school by a member of staff. Please let your Pre-Prep child's teacher know if you would like them to be collected at 3.45pm.


I hope that you and your family have an enjoyable Half Term break and I look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday 3rd June, when the newly appointed Mayor of Henley will be joining us for our whole school Assembly!

Nick Armitage